Modern App Development

MAW04 Web Client UI: Frameworks, Testing, and Design


4:00pm - 5:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Allen Conway

Microsoft MVP

Azure App Modernization Consultant


Modern Web client apps are often described as "responsive Web," "Single Page Applications (SPAs)," or "JS Applications." These apps built with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (or TypeScript) are popular both for their lightweight and high performance nature. The dizzying array of choices to be made and feverish pace at which the front-end technology moves can make it difficult to keep up. We'll discuss Modern Web applications framework options, their viability, advantages/disadvantages and comparison to traditional server-side Web applications. We'll also look at overall design and architectural decisions, as well as the testing to support our front-end code. In this session, you'll learn about which options are available and decisions that need to be made when it comes to building modern Web client UI applications.

You will learn:

  • About the advantages and frameworks used for creating a single page application for modern Web application development
  • About overall design and architectural decisions that should be considered when creating a modern Web application
  • About testing tools and practices for front-end development