Guillaume Laforge
Developer Advocate
Google Cloud
At Google, Guillaume Laforge is Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform, where he spreads the word about the rich set of products and services offered for developers wishing to take advantage of the cloud for their projects and businesses.
Before joining Google, at Restlet, Guillaume was taking care of the Product Leadership around the APISpark API management platform, the Restlet Studio for crafting Web APIs and the Restlet Framework for authoring restful applications. He is also leading the Developer Advocacy team, to interact with developers using those projects.
Since 2003, Guillaume has been involved in the Groovy programming language project, leading the project since about 2004, and working on it under the umbrella of G2One (our Groovy/Grails startup), then SpringSource, VMware, and the Pivotal spin-off.
He initiated the creation of the Grails web application framework, and founded the Gaelyk project, a lightweight toolkit for developing applications in Groovy for Google App Engine.
Guillaume also co-authored Groovy in Action along with Dierk König and Paul King, two famous Groovy committers. @glaforge