Cloud Computing

VSW10 A/B Testing, Canary Releases and Dark Launching, Implementing Continuous Delivery on Azure


2:00pm - 3:15pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Marcel de Vries



With continuous delivery we strive for delivering features on demand any time we want. This is of course something that can be challenging if you run an operation that needs to be available 24x7. In this session we will have a look at different technologies that we have at hand to separate feature deployments from feature exposure, making it possible to make releasing a feature to the end user nothing more then the flip of a switch. We will have a look at how we can use the different technologies like feature toggles and traffic management to implement continuous delivery release techniques like A/B Testing, Canary releases, and dark launching.

You will learn:

  • About working with Feature toggles in stead of a branch
  • About using Microsoft release manager
  • About using Traffic Management and Deployment slots to create a canary release or a dark launch