Developing for Office, Office 365, and SharePoint

OSW06 Developing with the SharePoint Framework: Web Parts & Customizing the UI


2:00pm - 3:15pm

Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell


Consultant, Instructor, Developer, & Author

Andrew Connell Inc.

Microsoft has extended the SharePoint Framework from the initial release of introducing client-side web parts to provide ways to extend the user experience. These new additions enable customizations available in previous development model options in SharePoint. In this demo-heavy session you will learn how create client-side web parts, command sets (what you knew as custom actions), field customizers (what you knew as JSLink) and application customizers (which are similar to what you knew as delegate controls). You will see how to use the SharePoint Framework to not just deploy client-side web parts, but also extend the SharePoint user experience with these new capabilities!