
TMH02 Pen Testing Like an IT Superhero


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Advanced

Dale Meredith


My Mentored Learning, Inc.

So you've had a "Pen–Test" done, and you're good, right? Wrong. One of the biggest pitfalls of security is becoming complacent. Continual pen–testing is mandatory for any company that wants to avoid being the latest trending story for being hacked. The purpose of this session is to give you a brief and basic overview of what to look for when starting out in penetration testing and to build up an internal penetration test kit. This will help you perform both internal and external penetration tests on your company network.

You will learn:

  • The need for "continual" penetration testing
  • How to create a checklist of things to test and how to test
  • About changing the viewer's perspective and thinking like an attacker when it comes to apps, services, and devices