Visual Studio / .NET Framework

VSW10 Build Universal HTML5 Web Apps Within Visual Studio


1:45pm - 3:00pm

Sandeep Adwankar

Product Manager


Organizations are under more pressure than ever to deliver sophisticated web applications which can run on the desktop, tablets and mobile devices. Learn how Sencha can help organizations to build modern cross-platform web applications with Sencha Ext JS and our Visual Studio plugin.

You will learn:

  • Key considerations in designing and developing cross-platform web applications
  • Learn about new Ext JS 6.0 JavaScript framework for designing and developing web applications on desktops, tablets, and smartphones
  • How to create new ASP.NET web application projects for Sencha frameworks from a template with a consistent code completion experience inside the Visual Studio IDE
  • How to improve development productivity by using the Sencha Visual Studio Plugin to quickly generate code snippets for classes, views, models, controllers, stores, and more