SQL Server Administration and Maintenance

SQH07 Change Data Capture in SQL Server 2008/2012


11:00am - 12:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Kevin Goff

Kevin Goff

Microsoft SQL Server MVP

Practice Manager

SetFocus, LLC

This session covers Change Data Capture (CDC) terminology and configuring a database for Change Data Capture. You'll learn how to read CDC log tables, and examine CDC code samples. You'll also be exposed to CDC and SQL Server Agent jobs, the use of CDC versus database triggers (and where triggers are still needed) and the impact of CDC on the transaction log and system performance. The session concludes with how to deal with schema changes, performance tuning, and using CDC in an ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) environment with SQL Server Integration Services. It may also cover some of the SSIS 2012 enhancements in dealing with CDC.

You will learn:

  • How Change Data Capture differs from traditional database triggers
  • How Change Data capture fits into a Data Warehouse Model
  • Some of the "gotchas" with Change Data Capture and how to avoid them