SPM03 Workshop Installing and Configuring SharePoint 2013 from the Ground Up


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Scott Hoag

Scott Hoag


Office 365 Solutions Architect

Crowley Maritime

Dan Usher

Dan Usher


Lead Associate

Booz Allen Hamilton

Have you ever wondered how to install SharePoint 2013 properly using PowerShell so as to avoid those random numbers that show up in your service application databases that end up showing up when you use the Configuration Wizard? Would you prefer to not just be a Principal Button Clicker that clicks "Next, Next, Next, Next, Next" to install SharePoint? Do you want to learn how to do things "the right way?"

Attend this full-day workshop and let Dan and Scott walk through step by step setting up SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell in a multi-server farm environment. This session will include:

  • Installing SharePoint Prerequisites using a configuration file and pre-downloaded components
  • Configuring the SharePoint platform using PowerShell
  • Creating and Configuring Service Applications with wholly named databases
  • Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication using Kerberos
  • Provision and Configure the User Profile Service
  • Setting yourself up for auto provisioning Apps
  • Configuring Resource Management and Distributed Caching Services through PowerShell
  • And quite a bit more...