Human Factors in Engineering

VSW15 Busy Manager's Guide to Interviewing


4:00pm - 5:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Ted Neward


Neward and Associates

For most developers and their managers, interviewing candidates to join the team is a process frought with uncertainty, deep feelings of imposter syndrome, outright feelings of competition, not to mention all those HR regulations. Coupled with the constant reminders about the costs of a "bad hire", interviewing becomes one of the most stressful periods of the engineering manager's professional life. Building great teams start with hiring great people, so pressure's on!

In this session, we'll take an analytical view of what the interview process is actually intended to do (hint: it's not just to prove a candidate's skills!), go through an example of how to structure an interview process, and provide some important structure around interviewing that managers can carry with them into their next interview cycle.

You will learn:

  • Get quality hires
  • Build a diverse and multifaceted team
  • Never look at an interview process the same way again