Developing New Experiences

VSW14 Exploring the Blazor 8 Render Modes


4:00pm - 5:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Rockford Lhotka

VP of Strategy


In .NET 8 Blazor introduced new and powerful render modes for components and pages. You can now render content statically on the server or using the Blazor interactive features from the server or on a WebAssembly client. Add to this the ability to stream static content, and automatically switch between these modes, and things are really powerful - but complex.

In this session you will learn how these new modes work, how you can use them to build your sites and apps, and how to deal with potentially unexpected behaviors as your users move from page to page, and from one render mode to another.

You will learn:

  • Explore the Blazor 8 render modes
  • How pages transition between render modes
  • How to maintain state between pages