Cloud-Native Development

CCW04 Building on the Microsoft Cloud: Audio/Video Calling from a Custom App into a Teams Meeting


4:00pm - 5:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Dan Wahlin

Principal Cloud Developer Advocate


Communication and collaboration are more important than ever in today’s world. Customers and employees are accustomed to having access to audio/video calling, chat, and real-time collaboration features. In this session, Dan Wahlin will show you how you can integrate services across the Microsoft Cloud to add audio/video communication capabilities into your custom apps and enable a user to call from your app into a Microsoft Teams meeting. Technologies covered in the session include:

  • React
  • Azure Communication Services
  • Azure Functions
  • Microsoft Graph
  • Microsoft Teams

After the session, you’ll have the opportunity to go through a hands-on tutorial that will walk you through the process of integrating these services across the Microsoft Cloud available at!

You will learn:

  • How to integrate audio/video calling into a React app
  • How to use Azure Functions for scheduling meetings and retrieving tokens
  • How all of the client-side and server-side pieces fit together in Azure