Business Intelligence, Fast Focus

DPT06 Fast Focus: How to Improve Your Power BI Report Design Skills with Workout Wednesday


2:00pm - 2:20pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Meagan Longoria

Data & Analytics Consultant

Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting

Workout Wednesday is a weekly challenge to recreate a data-driven visualization in Power BI (and Tableau). Challenges vary in subject and difficulty, but most take 45 minutes or less to complete. Many people across the world have used Workout Wednesday challenges not only to enhance their data visualization skills, but to help them create a data visualization portfolio and enhance their social media presence.

In this session, we'll have an overview of Workout Wednesday challenges and then complete a recent challenge to demonstrate some tips and techniques.

You will learn:

  • About Workout Wednesday and how to find and complete challenges
  • Complete a challenge live to demonstrate a Power BI reporting technique
  • Discuss ways to use Workout Wednesday challenges to improve your Power BI skills and enhance your career path