Cloud-Native Infrastructure

CCT05 Using API Gateways for Flexibility and Governance of Your APIs


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Eric D. Boyd

Founder and CEO


One of the challenges of microservices architectures is that clients need to connect to many services, with multiple endpoints, each possibly having different design and implementation characteristics.

The solution to this problem is a common microservices design patterns called API Gateway, which is simply a way to provide a single entry point for clients to connect, and the gateway will route and proxy requests to the appropriate services, do any needed transformation to create a unified experience for the clients.

You can write another application to be the API Gateway, or you could use existing services in Azure. Join this session to learn how to use API Management and Application Gateway to create an API Gateway for your microservices.

You will learn:

  • Overview of the API gateway design pattern
  • How to get started with Azure API Management
  • How to enhance your API solutions with API Management policies