Cloud-Native Infrastructure, Fast Focus

CCT03 Fast Focus: Upcycle Your Old Laptops into a Kubernetes Cluster


2:00pm - 2:20pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Rockford Lhotka

VP of Strategy


If you are interested in Kubernetes, containers, and want an actual multi-node cluster you can use for learning, it is kind of fun to build your own by using low-cost devices such as old laptops (like soon to be "obsolete" Windows 10 laptops), plus a few extra bits of hardware.

Join Rockford Lhotka as he talks about how he assembled a multi-node cluster, installed Linux, and installed Kubernetes all for less than the cost of a low-end laptop.

You will learn:

  • About upscaling or repurposing old laptops to run Linux
  • About installing Kubernetes on a device
  • About using your personal Kubernetes cluster for .NET development