Streaming and Event Data Techniques

DPTH05 Type-safe, Polyglot Messaging and Eventing: Stream/Queue/Topic "of T"


1:00pm - 2:15pm

Level: Advanced

Clemens Vasters

Chief Messenger, Microsoft Azure


A long time ago, the introduction of templates and generics helped to make applications written in languages like C++, C#, Java far more robust by allowing for common data structures like collections to handle specific types. More recent designs like Rust and TypeScript started with support for generics at inception. Especially in business applications, strong type systems help avoiding simple errors like omitting fields or losing information due to mismatched data types.

In asynchronous, inter-application messaging and eventing, we don't yet have equivalently strong type-safety model that works end-to-end and across multiple vendor platforms, but the building blocks are in the works.

In this session, Clemens Vasters, Product and Standards Architect in the Microsoft Messaging and Real-Time Analytics team and member of the CNCF CloudEvents and xRegistry projects, discusses the schema models, schema registries, metadata projects, code generators, and other tooling, and an interoperability roadmap towards "Stream of T"

You will learn:

  • Understand various data schema options
  • Understand eventing/messaging metadata models and infrastructure
  • About code generators and platforms that take advantage of metadata