Heather Severino



Heather is an innovative, globally recognized expert trainer with over two decades of experience in the technology and learning industries. Her background includes government, corporate, sports and media technology. Heather helps individuals and organizations learn how to maximize productivity in the modern workplace by sharing real world experience and knowledge of applications such as Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, OneNote, OneDrive, SharePoint and more. She has authored many Microsoft Office online video series for LinkedIn Learning and books for Microsoft. She has been Microsoft Certified since 2006 and became a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) in 2011. In 2012, Microsoft appointed her an MCT Regional Lead for the United States. In 2017, Microsoft honored her with the distinguished award as a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for the OneNote technology. in 2018, Microsoft re-awarded her as an MVP for Microsoft 365 Apps and Services.