
TMTH02 Active Directory Security Master Class


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Intermediate

Derek Melber

19X Microsoft MVP in Active Directory, Group Policy, and Security

Chief Business Officer


Join Derek for this session on all things AD and AD security. So many forget that many moving parts of AD are security related, which is key to understanding how to secure it. We will go into topics such as FSMOs, trusts, replication, immediate replication... then dive into all objects (users, groups, computers) and discuss the attributes that are essential when trying to secure AD. Finally, we will discuss many of the AD centric concepts and processes that are key to understand to secure AD. We will dig this information out with PowerShell and other tools, analyze the information, and even go over how to best remediate the issues. When you are done with the session, you will have a better understanding of how AD security works and a full list of action items you will need to address back at the office!