Intelligent Apps, Full Day HandsOn Labs

AIHOL01 Hands-On Lab: Building Modern Bot Experiences with Azure Cognitive Services


9:00am - 6:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Brian A. Randell

Staff Developer Advocate


Every day it seems AI becomes more pervasive. From our smart phones to our smart homes, cars, and offices, AI is everywhere. While much of the AI world is hidden behind the scenes, bots supporting “conversational AI” are now easier than ever to build and deploy when you use the Microsoft Bot Framework and Azure Cognitive Services.

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn the core skills needed to build engaging conversational applications powered by Microsoft modern stack of tools running on Microsoft Azure. Brian and Mickey will show you (and then better yet you’ll do it) how to create a bot, protect your code with GitHub, and deploy your bot to Microsoft Azure using GitHub Actions. You’ll get exposed to the core tools and SDKs including the Microsoft Power Virtual Agents and the Bot Framework Composer.

Because bots are a type of user experience, you’ll learn how to model your conversations, integrate with other systems, and how to expose your bot’s “UI’ using various containers like the web control and Microsoft Teams.

Grab your laptop and come join us for the day as you take the next step in delivering value to your end-users.

You will learn:

  • What is Microsoft’s Conversational AI platform
  • How to build a bot using C# and the Microsoft Bot Framework
  • How to deploy your bot to Azure using GitHub Actions

Attendee Requirements:

  • You must provide your own laptop computer (Windows or Mac) for this hands-on lab.
  • To complete the labs, you must be able to access a modern web browser
  • There will be optional labs at the end of the day that require:

    • Visual Studio 2022 (any edition – Community, Professional, or Enterprise) with the Web, Cloud, and Desktop workloads
    • The ability to install additional tools
    • The ability to install NuGet components
    • An Azure Subscription where you are an Administrator