Modern Software Engineering

VSW08 The Not-so-SOLID Principles of Software Development


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Chris Klug


Active Solution

Most developers have probably, at some point, been told that the SOLID principles are the foundation that all good software stands on top of. The presenter of this session has even traveled around the world and told thousands of people this at various conferences and user groups. However, is it really so?

After years of talking about, and thinking about the SOLID principles, Chris Klug has started to question the validity of them. Are these principles still valid 20+ years after they were formulated? Or have we moved beyond these principles and found other "truths" or pillars to build our software on top of?

In this talk, Chris will walk you through each one of the principles and explain what they are supposed to mean, as well as what they actually mean. He will also try to shed some light on whether they may or may not be valid anymore. And as you might have guessed by now, telling developers to strictly follow the SOLID principles might not be the most solid advice anymore.

You will learn:

  • Why the SOLID principles might not be the best anymore
  • Why more and more people are questioning the use of the SOLID principles
  • Why the development world might have evolved beyond the SOLID principles