Cloud-Native Infrastructure

CCT05 IaC Forged in Code: ARM/Bicep vs Terraform vs Pulumi


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Mike Benkovich

Developer, Business Owner, Consultant, Cloud Architect, Microsoft Azure MVP and an Online Instructor

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a powerful way to automate the deployment of your Azure infrastructure. With IaC, you can define your infrastructure in code, and use that code to deploy and manage your resources. In this session, we will explore the different ways to use IaC in Azure, including Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates, Microsoft's Bicep language processor, and popular open-source tools like Terraform and Pulumi. We'll also compare the pros and cons of each approach, and discuss when it's best to use each one. Whether you're new to IaC or a seasoned veteran, this session will provide you with the knowledge you need to take your cloud deployments to the next level.

You will learn:

  • What is Infrastructure as Code and why is it important
  • What tools and frameworks are available
  • Real world tradeoffs between the different options