Client and Endpoint Management

TMH03 Protecting the Castle: Secure Foundations for and with Microsoft 365


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Advanced

Michael Van Horenbeeck


“The Collective”

Despite being the greatest army in their time, the Romans knew that adequately protecting their legions was a very important task. Larger legions would stay in castrums – walled camps – and whilst engaging the enemy, legions would form a ‘testudo’: a formation to shield weaker inner ranks from outside attacks.

The world is constantly under attack and your tenant needs protecting too! In this session, we will discuss how to build secure foundations for and with Microsoft 365 and how to assess security so that you may be able to work in safety. If you want to learn how to best secure your environment, you don’t want to miss this session.

You will learn:

  • What are the top tips to secure your tenant and, by extension, your environment
  • Why do these proposed security elements matter? What is the risk associated with not doing them?
  • How a balanced approach to security helps increase the security posture of your environment.