Cloud-Native Development

CCT05 To Microservice or Not to Microservice? How?


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Introductory

Alon Fliess

Chief Architect


Do more with less, the pain of the modern architect. High cohesion & low coupling, high availability (24/7/365) & scale, ease of deployment and operation with modern DevOps. Our systems need to support all these quality attributes while providing more functionality with fewer resources. We need to be agile, we need to embrace changes, we need to have a better way!

Micro-Service-Architecture (MSA) promises to bring a cure to the architect's pains, but does it deliver?

In this lecture, the audience will be presented with the essence of the MSA approach, how does it answer the main concerns of modern distributed systems, how to get started, how to migrate current solutions architecture to MSA by adopting an evolutionary migration path. What to be careful about and the signs that we are on the right track.

We will talk about software architecture evolution, the CAP theorem and eventual consistency, MSA principles, hosting & containers, versioning, orchestrators and decupling business processes among microservices.

By the end of this session, you will have a better understanding of why, when and how to embrace the MSA approach.

You will learn:

  • About Microservices
  • Dos and don’ts when embracing the Microservices approach
  • About migrating your solution to Microservices – Evolution vs. Revolution