Mobile Client

VSW06 Building Connected and Disconnected Mobile Applications


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate

James Montemagno

Principal Program Manager – Xamarin


Creating a great connected experience across multiple platforms is an essential element of great mobile applications. But what happens when there is little to no connectivity&mdashsuch as on an airplane or in some foreign country? Does your mobile app effortlessly synchronize data when the device gets back online? Users expect and deserve this type of behavior, but developing your own cloud backend and an API across all operating environments is time consuming and error prone. Even more, managing multiple projects, languages, IDEs, and continuous integration processes is unsustainable in the long run. Fear not - industry leaders such as Amazon, Couchbase, and Microsoft can help solve this problem on iOS, Android, and Windows mobile devices. You'll explore the wide range of options for creating a connected and unconnected mobile experience. You'll also see a full implementation using the latest features of Azure App Service and mobile apps across iOS, Android, and Windows with Xamarin.

You will learn:

  • Why and how of disconnected mobile application
  • About the wonderful options available to craft great mobile experiences
  • How to build your first Azure connected and disconnected mobile app