The Real Cloud

TMW05 Fully Integrated Azure Resource Manager Deployments


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Neil Peterson

Senior Content Developer


Azure has gone through some changes over the last 18 months. What was once a Microsoft centric cloud computing platform, a simple portal, and PowerShell module, has evolved into a cross platform, fully automated, cloud powerhouse. One area of concentrated evolution has been Azure Resource Manager (ARM). ARM is the new controlling platform for deploying Azure Resources such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and networking assets. But it's much more than a simple deployment engine. ARM Allows for repeatable deployments of complex infrastructure and application configurations.

This session will dive into a fully integrated ARM deployment. Starting with a simple virtual machine, you'll work your way towards a highly available, load balanced application, complete with backup automation, and full application monitoring. All of this is wrapped into one ARM deployment. This session will cover a range of Azure topics such as Azure Virtual Machine, Azure Virtual Machine Extensions, Azure Automation, and the Operations Management Suite, and will show how to integrate these services through ARM deployments.

You will learn:

  • How to ramp up on Azure Resource Manager and ARM template deployment
  • How to deploy complex cloud solutions with Azure Resource Manager templates
  • How to extend Azure deployments to include software configuration with Azure VM Custom Extensions