Developing for Office, Office 365 and SharePoint

OSW04 Utilizing jQuery in SharePoint Get More Done Faster


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory

Mark Rackley

Mark Rackley

Chief Strategy Officer

PAIT Group

JavaScript, REST, CSOM, Office 365 APIs—like it or not, client-side development is the future of SharePoint development. At the forefront of this wave is the powerful JavaScript library jQuery. Using jQuery in SharePoint, you can take your applications to the next level in less time. You can also utilize jQuery in SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013, and in Office 365 often without making changes to your code. In this session, you gain a new appreciate for jQuery and learn:

  • What's possible, including visual enhancements and practical business intelligence
  • Tips and Tricks for deploying and maintaining scripts
  • How to get quick wins with little effort using third-party jQuery libraries
  • How to interact with SharePoint forms and lists using JavaScript and jQuery