SharePoint, Office 365 and the Cloud

OSH09 Setting Up Directory Synchronization for Office 365


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Introductory

Scott Hoag

Scott Hoag


Office 365 Solutions Architect

Crowley Maritime

Dan Usher

Dan Usher


Lead Associate

Booz Allen Hamilton

Are you looking to reduce the number of post-it notes your end users have? Seeking to automate your user creation processes for Office 365? This session will go through the basics of identity in Office 365 and demonstrate to how to setup and configure Office 365 with Azure Active Directory using the Azure Active Directory Connect tools.

You will learn:

  • The core concepts of Office 365 / Azure Active Directory user identity, identity synchronization options, and tooling
  • How to implement and configure tooling for identity synchronization