Server / Datacenter, Workshops

TMM01 Workshop: Sixty-Seven VMware vSphere Tricks That'll Pay for This Conference!


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Greg Shields

MVP, vExpert

Author Evangelist


You're experienced with VMware vSphere. You've built an ESXi server or three, and more than a few VMs over the years. Your vSphere environment is meeting your needs. Or is it? Have you paid licensing fees for vSphere features you aren't using? Do you know exactly what happens when you turn on HA and DRS? Could your resource pool configuration someday crash your entire environment? Have you replaced VMware's default certificates with some of your own? Are your servers auto–configuring themselves with host profiles? Is your infrastructure ready for hyper–convergence with VSAN or hyper–automation with storage policies and VVOLs? These and many more VMware vSphere tricks are the subject of Greg Shields' all–day coverage of sixty–seven (or so) VMware vSphere tricks you absolutely must know. Kick off your TechMentor on Monday morning with eight hours of awesome info that might just pay for your entire week.

You will learn:

  • The inner workings of HA, DRS, and resource pools.
  • How to replace vSphere's default self–signed certificates
  • About Auto–configure your servers with host profiles
  • The advanced tricks with vSphere storage and networking, and much more