SQL Server Administration and Maintenance

SQH10 Geekin' Out on Extended Events - The System Health Session


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Intermediate

Janis Griffin

Database Performance Evangelist


Extended Events gather a wide range of performance information to help troubleshoot performance problems in SQL Server. The system_health session is an Extended Events session included by default with SQL Server. This session starts automatically whenever you start the SQL Server database engine, and runs without any noticeable performance effects. This session will take you on an in-depth tour of the data provided in the system_health event session and how to use it to troubleshoot performance issues. You'll learn tips and tricks from case studies from real-life examples.

You will learn:

  • How to get performance information out of the system health session in order to quickly tune or fix issues
  • How to shred XML using XPath in order to take advantage of many diagnostic metrics
  • What has changed in the 2014 system health session versus the 2012 session