SQW01 Into the Wild....Taming Unstructured Data with Semantic Search


9:15am - 10:30am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Christopher Price

Senior Consultant


There is runaway growth in the data volumes many organizations are facing today. The bad news is that much of this data is unstructured which means your traditional RDBMS just isn't capability of helping you deal with it. As a result significant emphasis has been put on technologies like Hadoop, No SQL and other distributed databases which are better suited to handling unstructured data. With the latest release SQL Server 2012 however, Microsoft has provided new features which will help tame some of this unstructured data. This session will dive into the new FileTable and Statistical Semantic Search features. We will show you how they work and highlight real world examples for integrating these exciting new features into your organization.

You will learn:

  • FileTables and their Use Cases
  • Full-Text and Statistical Semantic Search
  • Real-world integration options, common patterns and best practices