VSH18 Patterns and Tools for Parallel Programming


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Marcel de Vries



See the concepts of parallel and asynchronous programming and how to apply them in code.

After more than 40 years Moore's law is still going strong, and it looks like it will continue to do so for at least ten more years. The free performance lunch is over, unless we change the way we think and program our applications. Luckily, Microsoft realized that already, and with Visual Studio 2010 they introduced new technologies like Task Parallel Library, and Parallel LINQ to help us transition into the world of multi-core programming. With Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5 they introduced another paradigm: support for asynchronous programming. In this session I will show you the concepts of parallel and asynchronous programming and how to apply them in code. I will also show you how to practically use the Visual Studio tools to analyze concurrency behavior in your app and by making small changes in the way you program, get impressive performance gains. Come to this session to see how you can use these new technologies and tools for your programs.

You will learn:

  • Patterns in the Parallel computing space
  • Task Parallel Library
  • Async and Await
  • Visual Studio concurrency analyzer tools to inspect the behavior of your program